I'm prone to exaggeration as much as the next person, but last weekend there really were strawberries in our kitchen as far as the eye could see (well.... almost!) Knowing I'd need strawbs for the jillicious! jam I was planning to make, and the wedding favours my pals Dave and Lianne had asked me to make for their wedding next month, I thought a trip to a pick your own place was the best bet. Once there, I seemed to be overcome by some kind of madness and proceeded to purchase 24lb of fruit - which looked like a manageable amount until we got home and suddenly we had a strawberry mountain in our kitchen. Yikes.

Needless to say, pretty much everything I did last weekend revolved around strawberries; I'm even sure I dreamed about them! After I made the wedding favours, I made several other batches of jam, so strawberry jam is definitely on the menu folks! I have.....
12 jars of strawberry jam4 jars of strawberry jam with a hint of vanilla9 jars of strawberry jam with a hint of rose water (may sound like a strange combination but it tastes gorgeous!)All are priced at £2.95 per jar.
Contact me on
jill.mceachern@ntlworld.com if you'd like to make an order. Please keep an eye on the sidebar of this blog as I'll be updating it with the number of jars that I have available.